November is almost here, and with it comes our commitment to not shave our beards! Finally, No-Shave November is near! It’s a month-long celebration where participants leave out shaving and grooming their hair to raise awareness about cancer! Yes, it’s not just a meme or a running online joke. It’s an actual movement where people can create discussions or donate to cancer research. Want to learn more? Let’s get hairy this November!
What is No-Shave November?
You’ve probably heard of the term “No-Shave November.” Maybe you’ve seen men in Facebook posting their selfies growing their beards or women posting their armpit hairs. It’s been an online trend in recent years. No-Shave November was conceptualized to raise awareness about the different kinds of cancer by embracing your hair (which many cancer patients lose during their treatment). You let your hairs grow wild and free since it’s a “privilege” that cancer patients don’t have.
No-Shave November began when a family of eight sons and a daughter lost their father to colon cancer. They started the campaign in 2009. It took years before the campaign got the hype it deserves.
Why Should You Join No-Shave November?
If you think about it, what does No-Shave November really bring to us? Facial or a beard on a man only looks good if it’s well-groomed and maintained. Otherwise, it just looks unhygienic and unattractive. So why would you support such a movement?
Aside from raising awareness, the actual goal of this concept is to donate the money you would’ve used for shaving or grooming your hair to cancer patients or cancer research efforts. You can donate the money to any cancer research charity or organization dedicated to helping cancer patients. You’ll be spending the money on education about cancer prevention instead. You’ll save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.
It’s just sad that the real meaning of No-Shave November has lost itself in all the memes. Most men don’t even know why they are following No-Shave November. Most probably, they’re just going with what’s “in” since it’s a trend.
So, if you really want to participate, please donate the 30 days’ worth of grooming or shaving to the cancer patients and research. Don’t just go with the flow. Support the cause in its real essence
1 Support Cancer Awareness
You’re not just growing your hair to save money because you’re a cheapskate or because you’re joining in on the bandwagon. You’re joining to raise cancer awareness to people. Just posting a photo of you signifying your intention to join can trigger curiosity and generate conversations about cancer. You might even inspire others to do the same.
2 Helping cancer patients
If you decide to join, make sure you’re doing it right. Donate the money saved to NGOs focused on helping cancer patients or cancer research efforts. As we all know, cancer has no known cure. Aside from this, treatment cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pesos. Not all people can afford to get treatment. And even if they can, it’s still not an assurance that they will survive and live. That’s how terrible cancer is.
Original price was: ₱784.00.₱548.80Current price is: ₱548.80.
Benefits of Joining No-Shave November
1 Beards will help reduce your allergies.
Surprisingly, having a beard can help you when you have allergies. If you have a beard, symptoms of allergies can be lessened as the hair acts as a barrier for allergens. Hair can stop allergen particles from entering your body. Instead of you inhaling them, they get trapped in your facial hair. Just remember to keep your hair clean and tidy because dirty hair will do you twice the damage. Instead of it protecting you, it can harm you because as hair builds up allergens and particles, it can stop acting as a preventative barrier but more of a storage of allergens. Trust me. You don’t want that.
2 Facial hair blocks out harmful sun rays.
An Australian study has discovered that a beard can be as effective as sunblock in preventing harmful UV rays from reaching your skin. As such, beards can act as a natural sunblock for free! Beards can block anywhere from 50 percent to 95 percent of UV rays. It helps decrease the rate of aging skin, and it will help reduce your risk of skin cancer.
3 Not shaving is a timesaver
Did you know that an average man spends almost 3,350 hours on shaving in his lifetime! That’s nearly five whole months of your life! If that’s the amount it takes men, can you just imagine how much time women spend shaving? No-Shave November can help you not only save lives but save time. Devote your time in doing more productive things than adhering to social norms. Just keep it clean and well-maintained.
4 Beard benefits your bedroom life
Growing a beard requires a good level of testosterone. Testosterone affects our lust and improves our sex drive. High testosterone levels benefit your sexual stamina and capacity. So, the more the beard, more sex, and more sex leads to a happier life!
No Shave November will also give you an edge over those who aren’t joining. According to a survey of women, men with beards are seen as more mature and “masculine.” Most women prefer a bearded man over a non-bearded man as they seem trustworthy and more romantic.
It’s also no secret that women usually get attracted to those who look “more manly” and exude a high level of masculine appeal. The beard represents just that.
5 It keeps your skin moisturized.
Facial hair keeps the cold air out, so sebaceous glands on your face can secrete natural oils that will help moisturize your skin. By keeping your hair, your winning the battle against dry skin! Your skin will stay smooth and baby soft.
6 Not shaving can reduce your risk for skin irritations and infections.
By not shaving, you are decreasing your risk of getting skin conditions such as razor burn and folliculitis. Not shaving will also reduce your risk of getting a bacterial infection.
Original price was: ₱4,045.00.₱3,640.50Current price is: ₱3,640.50.
How do you participate in No Shave November?
Now that we understand the real meaning behind No-Shave November and the benefits of not shaving, how do you join? The rules for No-Shave November are easy. If you want to participate, all you really have to do is to let your beard or any hair grow for 30 days. Put down your razor for a whole month and donate your hair-maintenance expenses to the cause. If you have strict dress codes at work, any participation is acceptable. Grooming and trimming are good enough. But to help you, we’re going to teach you how to do it properly.
1 Start the month with a newly-shaved face.
To start No-Shave November, you must first have a clean, shaved face. As such, before the month even starts, get your tools and get shavin’. Don’t forget to take a selfie afterward on your first day so that you can post the “before and after” pics.
2 Keep your facial hair well cleaned and well-maintained.
So you’ll be leaving your hair unkept for a month, but that doesn’t excuse you from looking like some sort of hermit who lives in a cave. Use a facial cleanser twice a day. One when you wake up and another one before you sleep. If you go to the gym and work out, the more reason you need to clean yourself properly. Dirt, sweat can accumulate on your hair and be a breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to breakouts and inflamed follicles. Make sure you clean your face and your beard. Use a moisturizing shampoo that’s gentle on the skin since you’ll be applying it on your face.
3 Try using a beard moisturizer
Using a moisturizer will also help the skin underneath your facial hair to remain smooth and hydrated. It will also soften and condition your beard. This No-Shave November, let’s give our beards the love and pampering they deserve by investing in beard moisturizers.
4 Don’t scratch or itch your hair too much.
Too much touching of the beard or mustache is bad for the skin as this can irritate it and result in blemishes. If you’re feeling itchy under there, it’s a sign that you need to moisturize. See the above tip for the solution: use beard moisturizers!
5 Have fun with your beard.
Just as you can style your real hair, make sure you keep it chic and suave with your beard. If it’s long enough, style it the way you want it. You can even color it or glitter it if you like or if your work will allow you to.
6 Don’t shave until November is over.
This is a challenge. You have to go through the whole month without shaving. So you have to hide your razor somewhere safe where you won’t be tempted to shave off even a little bit of hair.
However, as we’ve said, if you work in a strict corporate setting, there are some allowances for you. Just trim your facial hair if it’s absolutely necessary. If it’s between “employment or starvation,” keep your facial hair neatly trimmed. Other than that, no cheating, please.
7 Make sure you donate.
That’s one of the main goals of joining the No-Shave November movement. Don’t forget to make a general donation to show your support for cancer education, prevention, and research.
8 Protect your skin afterward
When the challenge ends, and it’s already time to shave it off, make sure to use shaving cream and an after-shave balm to help soothe and protect your skin. Don’t ignore this step as your skin has been hiding underneath facial hair for several weeks and needs some extra love and care.
Join the cause!
Participating in No-Shave November has its own benefits than just saving lives and spreading cancer. If we’ve convinced you to join the movement, just make you keep your hair clean and tidy. Follow our tips and tricks to ensure that you enjoy the challenge as you roll with it.