So you enjoy working out. You enjoy the endorphins that rush through your body whenever you do your reps or follow a workout video, rewarded whenever you go beyond your limits. But what if we take it up a notch… by working out naked!
Yes, there’s an option for that, and it’s a normal activity!
Browse through this keen article as we strip down the cool activity of working out naked and get tips on successfully pulling it off without getting in trouble.
Working Out Naked – Why Do People Love It?
At first glance, you might wonder why people exercise without anything on their bodies. Perhaps because we’re taught that wearing clothes is part of human decency, we reserve our nudity in private. But that’s not really the case anymore these days as the world keeps progressing.
So here are some reasons why people love working out naked.
1 It boosts their self-esteem.
According to personal trainer Ashley Van Buskirk, working out naked allows us to be face-to-face with ourselves without any barriers. We’d examine and observe ourselves, learning more about our bodies and how to empower ourselves. And from here, we also get an enhanced view of our bodies.
2 Clothes can be a disturbance.
Whether it from due to the uncomfortable fabric that’ll eventually stick to their bodies post-workout or the financial strain of pricey gym clothes, these factors are enough to make working out naked a much better option. Plus, being naked when hitting those reps or exercise moves leaves more room for breathing and physical fluidity, and even burning more calories when clothing doesn’t hold you back from moving in full motion.
3 It’s a challenge.
Working out is rooted in challenges, striving high for improvements in your fitness journey. And working out naked is no different from challenging your limits. It makes things much more meaningful and exciting when you try something new by going outside of your comfort zone, only to gain more benefits afterward. Speaking of benefits, we’ll be discussing them in the next section.
Benefits of Working Out Naked
Aside from the listed reasons above why people do such an activity, it’s only important we know what good effects you can get from it. Keep reading below to unravel the benefits of working out naked.
1 You feel free from bodily restrictions.
As much as gym clothes give us proper support on our bodies, like sports bras for women, having no clothes on while working out naked is actually a lot better. There’s less tension strapped on your body, allowing you to take fuller breaths.
Clothes also cause friction, carving your skin with red marks from the tightness. Your movements are a lot more flexible and concise without the extra fabric. Then if you wear baggier clothes, it’s difficult to determine if you’re doing exercises properly.
Not just that, being naked makes you feel good. Maybe on the emotional side, it’s a process to build on. But physically, not having anything on your body is like a heavy weight lifted off your chest.
2 It allows more growth for self-love.
The more you see yourself in your own flesh, the more comfortable and confident you get. In other words, you’re improving in the self-love department!
Especially when working out is meant to bring out the best and strongest version of yourself, watching yourself in the nude makes you more vulnerable and honest. It’s healing to move in our own skin without any filters or barriers. And when that happens, you invite positivity and freedom in. Let those self-conscious or self-deprecating thoughts vanish into thin air and further appreciate the kind of body you’re gifted with while breaking a sweat.
3 It encourages body acceptance.
Let’s get one thing straight: there’s no “perfect” body type. Don’t let society mess with you with their unattainable standards. In fact, it helps to be in the presence of other naked people to instill that we all have diverse kinds of bodies deeply. We cannot be placed in boxes bound for change over time. By working out naked, we can watch other people’s bodies flow, move without limitations, and see their scars or “flaws”. We realize how similar we can be.
And if you think about it, if we naturally uplift our companions to do that exciting activity or hobby, why can’t we reciprocate the same kind of love and motivation back to ourselves? Not only this, but research has even shown that communal nudity, or being naked with other people in one space, improves one’s body acceptance and empowerment due to reduced anxiety toward physical appearance.
4 It’s easier to tweak your form when working out naked.
Cheating on how our bodies should move or stand during a certain move while working out is tempting, but it doesn’t allow us to improve whatsoever. But when working out naked, that won’t be possible. In fact, you’re going to do yourself a favor. When you’re nude, stretching to get those exercise moves right, you can take a peek at how your body is positioned.
You can tweak how your arm is bent or how turned out your ankle should be. There are many ways to correct your form depending on what moves you’re doing, but also with a help of a mirror, seeing only your flesh as you engage in an exercise correctly can realign your form for the better drastically.
5 Hello, endorphins.
Generally, working out releases endorphins, chemicals released when we feel pain or stress in our bodies. Due to this, we’d feel euphoric and relieved amid our sweat. With working out naked, it’s better not to have any piece of clothing sticking to your body and our surroundings dry out the sweat in our skin rather than feeling icky about it. We also feel more composed to do more reps when we’re naked. Just make sure to take a good shower afterward!
6 Your finances are intact.
Investing in gym clothes or attire can cause a bunch of dents in your wallet because of the special materials used to make it, especially from big brands. But that shouldn’t be much of a worry when you’re working out naked. Your wallet can get a breather, and you can budget your money someplace else more vital. Plus, less laundry to worry about!
7 Your blood flow improves.
Gym clothes are usually tight to keep our bodies supported. However, some of these can hinder us from doing exercises in full motion. But when you’re working out naked, you’re released from the tight confinement of those clothes, and the blood circulation all through your body gets better.
8 You can track your fitness journey better.
Gym clothes still hide any changes our bodies make when we begin our fitness journey. However, you’d be transparent about everything when working out naked. Whether you lost some fat on your love handles, or maybe your calve muscles got firmer, you’ll be able to spot even the minor changes in every naked workout session. It’s times like this that motivate you to keep pushing and improving.
9 It’s a great bonding experience with your friends or partner.
Working out alone is one thing, but having someone join you makes it more enjoyable and motivating! If you’re feeling lazy to work out, your companion can be the one who can get you out of your slump and vice versa. Plus, when you’re working out naked with someone you’re close to, you’re bound to learn new things about each other when you’re in the nude. They can see your scars or birthmarks, and even observe your behavior while clothing-less. Yet they wouldn’t take it against you because they’re on the same boat as you, leaving room for love and encouragement.
10 Get your Vitamin D!
Vitamin D is a hormone responsible for giving us strong bones, teeth, and even our immune system. We gain this, especially through sun exposure, making working out naked more beneficial. As much as you must be careful of where you decide on working out naked, doing so not only lets your skin breathe, but you’d be showered in sunlight towards each part of your body. Even the parts usually covered in clothing get a chance to embrace the pros of Vitamin D.
Things To Remember Before Working Out Naked
Perhaps by now, you’re interested in changing up your workout routine. But before you do by shedding your clothes away, remember these vital tips so you can have fun workout sessions ahead!
1 Stock up on SPF.
As sun exposure is good for bringing in more Vitamin D in our system, the strong sun rays can be more harmful, especially when we’re bare. In general, applying SPF daily is important to avoid our chances of getting skin damage and cancer. Thus, if you choose to work out naked during the daytime, make sure to put SPF-rich products like sunscreen all over your body. Even if you’re working out naked indoors or the sun isn’t out, UV rays are always present, so we must keep our skin protected at all times. And also reapply within the day, particularly when you start getting sweaty.
2 Take it slow.
The idea of working out naked can sound intimidating, but what more when you put it into practice? If you’re nervous about removing every piece of clothing in one go, start with taking one item off. Whether it be your bra, shirt, or shorts, go at your own pace. Working out named should be fun, so don’t pressure yourself to get rid of everything if you’re not ready yet.
3 Start out in private.
Working out naked outdoors is quite common, greeting the sun hello before you converse with anyone else. However, we may still be shy to fully expose ourselves for the sake of physical exercise. For that, you can remain indoors with the curtains shut as you do your workout. Alone or with someone else, stay focused on getting used to your bare body as you move along to your exercise.
4 Use any soft surface to work out.
Indoors or outdoors, comfort is important when you do your workouts. Especially if you’re on the floor, it’s sanitary and relieving to place a soft surface, like a mat or towel, when you move your body. That way, you also avoid injuries or getting burnt if you’re outside in the sun.
5 Be mindful of the law.
It’s great how aspects of life are currently progressive and open. However, some places or cities may have strict rules on public indecency, especially with public nudity. So before stepping outside without any clothes on for your workout, make sure you head to a place that accepts being nude. It also helps to go to a place where other naked people go for workouts!
6 Research places that have naked workout sessions/classes.
You’ll be surprised at how common and popular it is to hold naked workout sessions in this day and age. Through the power of social media, check out what places nearby offer such a class then leave a message to the instructor if you find one and have inquiries. Chances are you’re not their only customer, curious about how things work under their program. They’re up to help you out and get you started.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still curious to learn more about working out naked? We’ve got you covered — here are some answered queries to feed your knowledge on this bare activity.
1 Where did the idea of working out naked come from?
There are early origins to this activity from Ancient Greece, wherein they’d go to a gym (or an open field at the time) and work out naked to celebrate the gods. It’s also done to train their bodies for war and as a means to improve one’s physical appearance.
2 Should I shower first before working out naked?
Nope. You’ll sweat even more when working out naked outdoors, exposing your skin more to the environment than the clothes sticking to your body. So best to save water and shower only once after a workout.
3 What workouts can we do in the nude?
Bodyweight exercises like pilates and yoga would make starting points on your journey to working out naked. In fact, the latter is an actual practice called naked yoga, wherein the movements and intentions are the same, yet it can deeply give you a better sense of love and appreciation towards yourself. Running is also common, although you should wear shoes for safety. If you’re a beginner to this, it’s best to leave out any weights until you build your strength and get even more used to your naked self working out.
4 I’m interested in this activity. How do I bring this up with my partner?
If you’re shy about it, you can break the ice by showing this article. Or if you’re both physically active, you can slowly bring up how clothes make you feel restricted when you’re working out. Give them time to think about it and await their response. If they give the go signal, it’s up to you if you want to fully shed your clothes or take one piece off at a time. You can start with your sports bra or shirt, then escalate.
5 Is working out naked really okay?
Yes, it is! As we’ve listed down the various benefits of this activity, it’s up to you how you design your mindset and space towards it. Perhaps you can do yourself a favor and try it even once, then see how your body reacts to it. But we’re sure it’ll be more good than bad!
Working out naked is not much of a taboo idea. And if you decide to get into it, you’ll understand how open and freeing it feels that it boosts how you look at yourself. It’s a matter of surrounding yourself with the right people as well, who motivate you to be a better version of yourself. So if working out naked tickles your fancy, now is the time to try it even once. Take this time to learn more things about yourself, and even how to love yourself more in the process. Oh and also, don’t forget to take breaks in between!