While some people love orgasming and its sweet release, others prefer doing the opposite. Based on numerous online testimonials, avoiding ejaculation, commonly known as semen retention, is said to offer benefits like improved cognitive function, increased confidence, and better self-control.
But what does the research say? How does it work? What are its other benefits? This guide has all the details.
What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is a sexual practice where ejaculation—releasing semen from the penis during orgasm—is intentionally avoided. This can be achieved by abstaining from sexual activities, or it can involve training yourself to avoid ejaculating or orgasming during sex.
It’s also known by other names, such as sexual continence and coitus reservatus, and has been associated with various erotic and spiritual practices like tantric sex, the karezza method, and sexual transmutation.
You might think semen retention is the same as No Nut November (NNN) or NoFap, and while they’re connected through similar practices, there are key differences.
No Nut November is a challenge where men abstain from sex and self-pleasure for the month. NoFap, on the other hand, is a community aimed at helping individuals overcome porn addiction, excessive masturbation, and compulsive sexual behavior. It offers forums, resources, and tools to create a safe and inclusive space for those seeking sexual self-improvement.
While both NNN and NoFap encourage trying semen retention, semen retention itself is a distinct practice.
If you’ve never tried semen retention before, you might wonder why some guys would intentionally stop themselves from ejaculating—an act often tied to feelings of euphoria, relief, and pleasure. Well, according to various forums and guides on the practice, semen retention comes with some notable perks:
1You can redirect your sexual energy into other areas of your life.
One common benefit mentioned in forums is that semen retention makes people feel more energetic and productive. They can work out with more vigor and accomplish their goals for the day without the same fatigue they felt before.
This surge in energy didn’t just come out of nowhere— it’s the sexual energy that’s been kept due to practicing semen retention. Since the person doesn’t release it immediately through sex or masturbation, they’ll be able to channel that energy into creative, physical, or career-related pursuits.
A study also showed that people got a 45% increase in their testosterone levels after seven days of practicing semen retention, which can contribute to the surge in energy of those who’ve abstained from ejaculation. However, the increased levels were temporary and eventually returned to the same levels as before the abstinence.
2It helps you practice self-control and delayed gratification.
Though the internet has brought convenience, it has become a hub for instant gratification. With a single click, you can order products, set a date, watch anything you want, connect with like-minded people, and even get validated through social media. It’s much easier to scroll your life away and get quick fixes instead of long-term successes.
It has become harder to practice delayed gratification, so people are looking for various practices, including semen retention, to help them master this trait. Various people have attested on forums that this practice has helped them have self-control not just sexually but also through their eating and drinking habits.
3It helps combat porn addiction.
If you’re impulsively watching porn and masturbating to the point that it’s interfering with every aspect of your life, consider trying this practice. There are testimonials online saying how semen retention helped them cut their porn habits and instead focus on other significant aspects of their life.
4It could boost your brain power and focus.
Another benefit often discussed in forums is mental clarity. While orgasms are known for providing a sense of mental relief—hence the term “post-nut clarity“—some claim they experience better memory and concentration with fewer distractions in their lives.
5It can help boost sperm quality.
Some studies, like one from 2017, suggest that shorter abstinence periods might improve sperm quality by boosting the percentage of motile and fast-moving sperm. However, research in this area is limited and doesn’t often address long-term semen retention.
On the other hand, a 2018 study claims that abstaining for more than four days may harm sperm quality. Meanwhile, other studies discovered no significant changes in sperm quality after a few days of abstinence.
6You’ll have stronger and more satisfying orgasms.
If you’re abstaining from orgasms or ejaculation for an extended period, such as avoiding sexual activity, your next orgasm might feel more intense.
However, a 2001 study suggests that abstaining from ejaculation for three weeks may not significantly affect the nervous system’s response during ejaculation. Please note that this was a smaller, older study, so its findings should not be taken as definitive.
7It helps in building stronger self-confidence.
Another common topic in semen retention forums is the boost in confidence that some men claim to experience. Here are some of the comments and posts from Reddit that’s discussing this benefit:
TheDigitalKrypt: “I’ve also noticed that when I think about things that get in my way, its almost like I want the competition because I KNOW I’d annihilate. Its the KNOWING that that feels different.”
Revolutionary_Leg276: “I practice semen retention for over 7 months. My longest was 4 months. I was a very shy guy. Now I am super confident. I can speak to anyone, I am more dynamic and assertive, and I feel way way more powerful. It’s real. You have to practice longer periods. You will become a stronger man.”
Head-Sun5772: “I just feel so lightweight and flowy on SR. No apprehensions or overthinking about how to behave in social situations. Everything just happens so naturally. What I say or my physical gestures just happens on its own. I love that feeling.”
While there’s no scientific research to support this claim or explain why semen retention might increase confidence, it’s worth noting that many who practice it also adopt healthier habits. They focus on eating well, avoiding vices, and staying active through regular workouts. This improved lifestyle might play a role in their heightened self-assurance.
Semen retention doesn’t come with major risks, but there might be certain drawbacks to doing this practice, especially for long periods.
1It might affect your relationship.
While you can still engage in sexual activities while practicing semen retention, it may lead to misunderstandings if your partner doesn’t fully understand the practice or if clear communication hasn’t been established. Your partner might misinterpret it as a lack of interest in them, which could create tension.
Having less sex can also impact the relationship, as physical intimacy is often an important way for couples to connect and strengthen their bond.
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2It could lead to sexual repression or other similar conditions.
In some cases, breaking a streak can leave a man feeling overwhelmed with guilt or shame, overshadowing the natural relief that ejaculation provides. This emotional toll could lead to issues like sexual repression, difficulties with orgasm, and other related concerns. It might also cause them to abandon the self-care habits they’ve worked hard to build, believing there’s no point in continuing since they’ve already broken the streak.
Here’s the thing: breaking your streak doesn’t erase the progress you’ve made. All the workouts, healthy eating, social connections, and other steps you’ve taken to improve yourself don’t just disappear. Instead of giving up, view it as a chance to start fresh and build on the foundation you’ve already created.
Ways to Retain Your Semen
Now that you’ve learned the pros and cons, let’s talk about ways to do this practice.
Abstinence is basically stopping all forms of sexual activities, from masturbation to penetrative sex. This method is ideal for those who are single, as being in a relationship requires some intimate connection.
Original price was: ₱2,695.00.₱2,425.50Current price is: ₱2,425.50.
If you want to engage in sexual activities without ejaculating, edging might be a good option. This practice involves stimulating yourself as usual, but when you feel close to climax, you pause and take a moment to calm your body down. You can try deep breathing, distracting yourself with non-sexual thoughts, or other techniques that could help you avoid going over the edge.
This can be tricky, especially at first, as it might take some time to recognize when you’re right on the edge. Don’t get discouraged if you accidentally climax during your initial attempts—it’s all part of the learning process.
Semen Retention May Offer Perks, But It’s Not a Cure-All.
Before we end this guide, we want to share a part of an insightful post from the r/semenretention subreddit from thelonewolfmonk:
SR is HARD, and it is definitely NOT a “walk where every day gets better and you get an euphoric rush in an almost daily basis” like many people seem to portray it, at least not for most of us I can bet. This practice IS NOT for anyone, because quitting sex is like quitting sugar: you will get ENORMOUS BENEFITS, but now without going through some very rough times where you wonder if it’s really worth it.
We should be more aware and be conscious of the hardships that many of us are dealing with and that the benefits won’t just automatically come and “fix your problems”. That’s like believing, “As soon as I hit 30 days at the gym and get all ripped, I’ll be happy and free of mental issues and be a superhuman”. You still have to do the work in other areas, man.
Like losing weight or quitting vices, semen retention can be tough at first. Not everyone will have the same experience—some may feel energized, while others may struggle with frustration from not ejaculating as usual. So if you decide to explore more about semen retention and visit forums, remember that each person’s journey is different. Don’t expect the same results you read about online, where some guys might exaggerate their experiences.
Semen retention steps outside the norm, but many testimonials highlight its benefits. Keep in mind, though, that the effects of withholding ejaculation and avoiding sexual activities vary for each person.
And remember, there’s nothing wrong with ejaculating regularly! Not only it offers relief and pleasure, but studies even suggest that it can lower the risk of prostate cancer. So if semen retention doesn’t feel right for you, don’t force it! You can boost your energy and confidence by maintaining a healthy lifestyle with nutritious meals, regular exercise, and enough sleep.