Hooray! Today is National Watermelon Day. So, in order to celebrate this day, we will give some much-needed appreciation to one of our favorite summer fruits—the watermelon by discussing watermelon sex benefits.
Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit. It is 92% water and it does a good job in keeping you hydrated. Because of its high-water content, it helps you feel full. Plus, it only contains 46 calories per cup! Despite its low calories, it delivers many other important nutrients, including lycopene and vitamin C. As such it’s a tasty low-calorie treat that is very good for your health.
Recent studies have suggested that lycopene and other individual plant compounds in watermelon have anti-cancer properties. Studies have also suggested that it can improve heart health as several nutrients in watermelon help in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
Additionally, it’s been found to be good in digestion. Watermelon contains lots of water and a small amount of fiber. Both of which are important for healthy digestion. There’s simply lots of health benefits in eating watermelon!
But aside from these health benefits, did you know that watermelon can also be beneficial for your sex life? Interesting, don’t you think?
It can boost your sex life as it contains “citrulline.”Citrulline helps in boosting athletic performance. And you know, we’re all athletes in bed, too (if you know what I mean.) As such, watermelon can help improve our performance in bed.
Aside from this, did you know that the watermelon fruit has been referred to as “nature’s Viagra?” This juicy red fruit and its rind can be a new ray of light in your sex life. According to a 2008 research from Texas A&M University’s Department of Horticultural Sciences, while watermelon is 92 percent water, the remaining eight percent contains the phytonutrient “citrulline.” This compound helps in converting arginine which is an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels.
This amino acid is more concentrated in the rind compared to its presence in the red fleshy part. Either way, the nutrients found in watermelon rind are beneficial on men with mild erectile dysfunction.
This may not be as organ-specific as the drugs meant to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men but it helps improve blood flow to the erectile tissue. To be clear, erectile tissues are also found in the female clitoral area. It’s not only exclusive to men’s genitalia. As such, it increases arousal for men and women.
But if you are trying to conceive, don’t overdo it! Watermelon can also be “anti-estrogenic.” This means that a very high volume of watermelon can block estrogen and prevent the lining of the uterus from growing and the fertilized egg from implanting.
The discovery of the potential of watermelon in treating ED has been proven to be controversial, though.
There are some studies saying that there is no evidence that the intake of watermelon treats erectile dysfunction. In fact, to even say that it has the possibility of treating ED is misleading.
I have to admit. That’s kind of a bummer.
But let’s just say that it doesn’t? It still won’t hurt since watermelon is a very healthy and delicious fruit to eat! Let’s just celebrate the day by eating a watermelon today, okay?