Ladies, ladies, time for some girl talk. For today, let’s talk about having a smelly vagina.
Okay, we get that this is weird. No girl is going to willingly talk about it, but someone has to.
Before we get into the nit and grit, let’s make one thing clear: Your vagina is supposed to have a smell. There may be slight differences but in general, a healthy and normal vagina can have a “musky” or “fleshy”, or “metallic” odor (if you just had your period). So if your cooch doesn’t exactly smell like roses, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. If you have a fishy vaginal smell, however, then you better be alarmed.
You have to be very closely familiar with your vaginal odor. That way you know what your baseline is. While it may be a bit too much to hope for a rose-scented vagina, keeping it fresh at your baseline scent is possible. Here are some ways you can maintain a clean and fragrant vagina throughout the day:
1Don’t Forget to Wash
Sis, this is pretty obvious. If you don’t want to have a fishy vaginal smell, wash your vagina regularly. Take the time to properly clean the outside of your vagina. Using regular mild soap and a gentle washcloth can do the trick. Loofahs can be too abrasive so we recommend you save that for less delicate parts of your body.
As for feminine washes, go for unscented ones instead. Your vagina has its own pH level that scented products can disrupt. Aside from the scent, make sure to check the label before purchasing the soap for your intimate area. Steer away from harmful ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, super-absorbent powders, laurylsolfate sodium, and bleach.
2Don’t Leave It Wet
If you let your coochie dripping wet after showering, chances are you’ll have a smelly vagina afterward. Bacteria like to live in damp places. It’s a playground for them. So after washing, keep in mind you have to properly dry it too. Use a clean towel and pat it on your vagina. If you just used the toilet, use wipes or gentle tissue paper to wipe off yourself.
3Never Reuse Your Underwear
Who doesn’t like wearing fresh underwear? No matter how tempted you are, never wear your dirty underwear. If you somehow found yourself on an unexpected overnight trip, don’t be too creative and think of wearing the same underwear by turning your panties inside out. Side A and side B don’t work here. Drop by at a convenience store and buy clean ready to wear undies. Again, just like the first one, this is a pretty solid tip. Your personal hygiene has a lot to do with the smell of your puss.
4The Bushes Must Go
A hairless pussy isn’t just for aesthetics though. Your pubic hair actually holds sweat, oil, and bacteria, bringing a slightly stronger odor on your cooch. Don’t worry though as you can get rid of the odor through regular washing.
However, if you’re bothered with the strong smell, you can remove your pubes by doing the following hair removal techniques:
You can do this method in a waxing salon or at home. For this technique, you need to put a warm liquid wax over the hair that you want to remove. Then, a thin cloth-like strip is placed over the wax before it hardens. Once hard, the strip is quickly pulled off.
Now just with the instruction above, you may sense that this is a painful method…well it is. Waxing near the private areas scares even the worst of us all. But as they say, it only hurts the first time. If you make waxing a regular thing, your trip to the waxing salon stops being a horror story every time.
With this method, you’re not removing all your hair, but just keeping it in a manageable length. You can use a pair of scissors, an electric razor or bikini trimmers. Use a mirror to clearly see the areas that you need to trim.
This is one of the most effective and painless ways of removing your pubes. However, you need to be cautious with this method. If you’re not shaving properly, your coochie might end up with skin irritation, ingrown hairs and razor burn.
To properly shave off your pubes, you need to find a spot where you can freely spread your legs. After that, clean your intimate area first, then go for a position that allows you to shave your pubes (such as squatting position). Then, use a sharp and clean razor to gently shave off your pubes. Use a mirror to clearly see the areas that need some shaving. For a more comfortable experience, use a mild shaving cream or lotion before shaving.
Laser Hair Removal
This procedure takes place in a beauty clinic or hair removal studio. It uses a strong beam of light that penetrates the skin to destroy the hair follicle. Among the treatments listed here, this is the most effective method. However, it’s pretty expensive and requires several sessions to get results.
5Sip That Green Tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks in the world. It’s packed with antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. The catechins found in green tea can prevent UTI infections. It can also put a stop to vaginal yeast infections which are often the cause of a smelly vagina. Hold those tea parties with your girlfriends more often. So go ahead and have more tea parties!
6Avoid Consuming Spices with Strong Odors
Your diet can affect the way your vag smells. Foods with strong odor such as garlic, onion, asparagus and some spices are going to do a number on your vaginal odor. They can change your pH balance so you may gain a funky odor from eating too much of these. If you have any plans on going out with the boyfriend tonight, you may want to order food that doesn’t have any of the foods mentioned.
7Eat More Fruits
As some foods brings a smelly vagina, some foods reverse that effect. Go for fruits that are high on natural sugars such as apples, pineapples, grapes, cranberry juice, and watermelon. It can give your lady juices that sweet-scented smell. Here’s the best part: After eating any of these fruits, it can take an immediate effect on your smell down there. Munch on these fruits regularly so your partner can find your vagina a ripe fruit for the picking.
8Switch to Cotton Undies
You have a wardrobe full of kinky underwear made from silk, satin, and polyester. You’re proud of it too. But here’s the thing. These types of materials are nowhere as good as cotton when it comes to drawing off excess moisture. Panties that are 100% cotton can give you that breathable feeling down there and just by wearing one, you decrease your chances of getting vaginal infections.
If you’re worried that cotton panties are only something your grandma wears, then worry not. Cotton panties are now available in different seductive and flattering cuts so you can be sexy and comfortable at the same time.
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9Indulge in Yogurt– Aka Food for the Vag
Feed your vagina a scoop of yogurt–not literally of course! Yogurt is a probiotic-rich food that has live active cultures. It provides your body with good bacteria important in maintaining the balance in your vaginal microbiome. Your vagina actually has a colony of microorganisms. Yes, that’s right. You’re a host to a whole ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. If the balance is disrupted, it may lead to thrush or yeast infections. Trade your bag of potato chips with a bowl of yogurt to keep your little pets down there under control.
10Consult Your Doctor
Most of the time, a smelly vagina is just a sign that you need to wash up asap. However, if your coochie has a weird fishy smell, as well as experiencing vaginal itching and irritation, it’s best to see your doctor regarding this.
On the other hand, you also need to check your vaginal discharge. By keeping track of your bodily secretion will help you determine if you have vaginal problems or not. Here’s a helpful guide from in regards to that.
Your vagina is perfectly capable of cleaning itself. But a little help from you can go a long way if you don’t want to have a smelly vagina. Give these tips a try and keep your coochie fresh AF!