Society has led us to believe that someone with a longer and girthier penis is “godlike” in the bedroom. It’s even considered an admirable asset for a man that there are multiple articles showcasing how to play and enjoy with it. However, if a person has a micropenis, there are often shamed for having a smaller than average dick size.
This doesn’t have to be the case, though, as all sizes matter! You can still have a fulfilling sex life even if your partner has a below-average penis size. Not sure what to do? Don’t worry, as we will discuss what a micropenis is, the causes, modifying options, and how to have fun sex with it.
What is a Micropenis?
Micropenis combines the terms “micro,” which means extremely small, and “penis,” the male sex organ. It’s a rare condition wherein a person has an abnormally small penis.
In terms of shape, appearance, and function, a micropenis is as same as any other penis. A person with this condition still has healthy genitalia, but it just so happens that their penis is on the smaller side. This condition is often diagnosed at birth if the doctor observes that an infant’s penis size is under the normal size range (less than 0.75 inches.)
If you weren’t diagnosed with a micropenis, but you’re having some doubts about your own or partner’s dick size, here’s what you need to do. Get a measuring tape and check the length of the penis when it’s flaccid and erect. An adult male with a micropenis should have a flaccid or “soft” penis less than 2.75 inches, while the length is less than 5 inches if the penis is erect.
Diagnosing a Micropenis
As mentioned above, this condition is often diagnosed by a doctor. Once they’ve observed that an infant’s penis is abnormally small compared to the average size, they may conduct several tests to check if the infant has a micropenis or not.
Physical Exam
The first test that a doctor might do is a physical exam, wherein they would look for other signs that could’ve affected the infant’s penis size. There are cases wherein an infant may only have fat pads, or they have growths that could’ve “hidden” the penis and made it smaller than usual.
Imaging Scans
This procedure involves using a pelvic ultrasound or an MRI scan to check the genitals internally and see the surrounding structures.
Blood Tests
A doctor may also conduct blood tests to determine the infant’s hormone levels. They may also go for a blood test to verify the baby’s biological sex. In some rare cases, a baby with micropenis may actually be intersex, in which a person is born with both male and female sex characteristics.
Causes of Micropenis
Being born with a micropenis doesn’t necessarily happen out of the blue or is caused by some “curse.” Different health conditions could’ve caused someone to have a micropenis.
1Testosterone Deficiencies
If an expecting mother has testosterone issues during her pregnancy, and wasn’t given with the right medication, the infant may end up with a micropenis or other genital abnormalities.
2Hormonal Issues
Another common cause of this condition is that the person has hormonal issues. This can happen if the pregnant mother gets exposed to toxic chemicals. This is why an expecting woman needs to steer away from any harmful environment, as it can lead to birth abnormalities.
3Androgen Insensitivity
There are cases wherein an infant was born with an average-sized penis, but it couldn’t grow properly. This may happen due to Androgen Insensitivity. It occurs when a health condition or other outside factors has stopped a person’s body from responding to testosterone.
For instance, a male baby is supposed to experience testosterone for 0-3 months, a crucial period for penile growth. But if the surge is disrupted with hormonal issues or certain medications, a baby may grow up with a micropenis.
4Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
It’s a condition wherein the hypothalamus, the brain region responsible for the autonomous nervous system and pituitary, isn’t secreting the hormones to produce testosterone. The normal maturation of reproductive function is interrupted, which results in a person having an abnormally small penis.
5Other Health Conditions
Although rarer than those mentioned above, below are conditions that could’ve caused someone to have a micropenis:
- Growth hormone deficiencies
- Abnormal chromosomes
- Kallmann syndrome
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- Laurence-Moon syndrome
There’s also a condition called “buried penis,” wherein one’s penis isn’t extremely small, but it may look less visible due to the fat pads that may have surrounded the area. This usually occurs to obese people.
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Conditions Often Mistaken for a Micropenis
While the usual concern with micropenises is their size, there are are other differing conditions. A micropenis is commonly mistaken with a few other conditions such as:
1Webbed Penis
A webbed penis, also known as inconspicuous penis, occurs when a male infant has scrotum skin attached unusually high on the penile shaft. Because of it, the penis may look smaller because the only visible thing is the tip, a small part of the shaft, and base.
If you, your partner, or your child are diagnosed with this condition, they will need to undergo cosmetic surgery to correct the issue; it can only be conducted in their teens or adulthood.
2Buried Penis
Also known as a hidden penis, this condition usually occurs when the penis is hidden under a fat abdomen, thicker thigh skin, and bigger scrotum. The person with a buried penis has a schlong that isn’t visible when it’s flaccid but may pop out when fully erect. People with conditions are called “growers” as their penises “grow out of nowhere” during sex.
3Concealed Penis
There are cases wherein a penis isn’t protruding from the body, making the penis not visible when flaccid and abnormally small when erect.
Different Treatments for Micropenis
As penis size has been linked to a man’s self-image, some people resort to getting treatment or surgery to make their penises bigger to boost their confidence.
The treatment of micropenis depends on the individual’s age and the condition’s cause. If the condition was diagnosed during infancy, the baby or toddler might have been given testosterone treatment to support penile growth. Below are some of the micropenis treatment options:
1Testosterone Therapy
The affected infant will be given three monthly intramuscular (IM) testosterone injections for this treatment. Research has reported that one or two courses of these three testosterone shots (25 to 50 milligrams), given in four-week intervals, may increase the infant’s penis size to the average size for his age.
2Surgery or Phalloplasty
If the affected individual couldn’t get the necessary hormonal treatments when they were a child, or if the previous treatments didn’t work, they can consider Phalloplasty or penis enlargement surgery. Depending on the person’s preferred method, silicone implants or fat cells may be inserted to increase their penis size.
If you consider this method, remember that getting surgery for your penis can be expensive and risky. Discuss everything with your healthcare provider before undergoing this kind of surgery.
3Flap Surgery
Another surgery that could help you increase your penis size is Flap Surgery. This is a type of phalloplasty wherein skin is grafted to another part of the body and then added to the penis. This isn’t necessarily pursued as it carries a considerable risk of complications; some may even affect the sexual function of the penis.
4Gender Reassignment
Did you know that male children with micropenis would resort to gender reassignment surgery back then, not because they wanted to become a woman or suffering from gender dysphoria, but because of the general discomfort with small penis size? Fortunately, this practice is no longer recommended by medical experts.
Gender reassignment surgery would only be considered if the person who has micropenis genuinely wants to transition to their preferred gender; there’s also an extensive psychological evaluation taken by the affected individual before undergoing any transitioning medication or surgery.
5Body Acceptance
This is the safest way to manage your condition. Accepting your penis size may be tricky, as penis size has been linked to a man’s ego. However, body acceptance can be beneficial for you in the long run.
Contrary to popular belief, most men with below-average penis sizes can lead great lives. There are numerous articles about men with micropenis who eventually learned to love their bodies and now have fulfilling marriages and happy families.
We get that it’s not easy, but start with small actions, and you’ll soon find yourself focusing more on cultivating relationships and less on the penile size.
Things About Micropenises You Should Know
As micropenises come with a bad rep, people are mostly ashamed to have sexual experiences due to their smaller penis. However, you can still have fun escapades even with a micropenis. Here are some of the things you should know and take note of:
1You still need to use condoms even if you have a micropenis.
One of the misconceptions about someone having a micropenis is that they don’t need to wear a condom as their penis is “too small” to make a woman pregnant or for an infection to be transmitted on their genitals. That’s not the case, though, as people with micropenises are still at risk of getting someone pregnant or contracting sexually transmitted infections. Just opt for smaller or slimmer condoms to keep it tight and snug.
2Men with micropenises find it difficult to warn women.
One of the biggest challenges people with micropenises have is telling their potential partners their below-average penis size. They’re afraid of admitting from the start about their micropenis as they don’t want to drive the other person away, but they also don’t want to tell the other person last-minute as their partner may feel deceived.
There’s no right time or right way to tell someone about having a micropenis. You can’t also expect the reaction of the other person. In this case, honesty is the best policy. As you establish sexual rapport, you can tell them about your penis size, then just let them decide if they wanna go for it or not. If they just stopped seeing you because of it, it’s not meant to be. That rejection is simply an opportunity to find someone who’ll love you just like you are.
3Weight can affect a penis too.
Being overweight can affect your penis size, too. If you’re obese and have a bigger belly, there’s a chance that your penis might not be as visible. There are also cases wherein there’s so much fatty tissue surrounding your penis that it gets “buried” there. Consider having a healthier lifestyle or get surgery to remove the fatty tissues around your schlong.
4It still functions normally like a typical-sized penis.
If you have a micropenis and are worried that your penis isn’t healthy, don’t worry, as they’re pretty much like a regular penis. Most men with this condition have no trouble getting an erection, ejaculating, or urinating. Most micropenis issues are psychological, such as sexual repression or sexual performance anxiety.
5Body-shaming by invoking small penis size shames all men with micropenises.
Sadly, having a small penis is often used as an insult online. Even popular figures, such as J. K. Rowling, used this insult to an online troll. Here’s the thing, there’s nothing wrong with going for a sassy clap back to an online troll, but using people with micropenises as the butt of the joke is straight-up body shaming. Besides, people with small penises aren’t necessarily trolls or rude individuals. They don’t deserve to get dragged into online altercations.
If you’re someone who believes in body acceptance, self-love, and related movements, refrain from using a small penis as an insult to rude people online. You’re not getting even with the troll, but you’re just indirectly shaming men who have micropenises.
6Be honest and respectful when seeing a micropenis for the first time.
If you end up dating a guy with a micropenis, keep in mind that their size is connected to their confidence. Don’t tear them apart by joking around about their penis size. Not everyone can get the humor on it, and some men might even find it extremely hurtful. But if they want to joke around about their schlong, just let them be.
So the next time you’re about to do the deed with someone with a micropenis, be gentle and gracious when reacting to it. Don’t also give fake or backhanded compliments, such as calling your partner’s cock “soooooo huuuuuge.” He knows you’re lying. Just compliment the activity as a whole.
7You can still be sexually satisfied with a micropenis.
Did you know that the pleasure center of the female body isn’t in the vagina but in the clitoris? The clitoris consists of external and internal parts. The outer part is a small nub located at the upper part of the vulva. It comes with 8000 nerve endings and is highly sensitive to touch. This is the key to the female orgasm, not necessarily the g-spot (linked to the clitoris’ internal part).
So if you want to give sweet lovin’ to your partner, all you need to do is improve your fingering and oral sex skills. Build the art of teasing and anticipation, and explore different ways to please your partner.
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8A micropenis can be great for anal sex.
Did you know that a below-average penis would work better for anal sex than an average-sized one? The anus has a tighter opening, and its lining is thinner than the vagina. Not only that, but it doesn’t self-lubricate, so smaller dicks work better for anal play.
9Sex toys can be a great way to add more stimulation!
Even if you have a micropenis, you can still give your partner the Os that they deserve— you just need to be creative with it! A dildo can help the receiving partner feel more filling, and a vibrator can intensify stimulation. Not only it decreases your partner’s workload in the bedroom, but it also introduces new sensations and types of Os. We will be showing a list of sex toy recommendations below.
10There are sex positions that work well with a micropenis.
If you’re doing the deed with someone who has a micropenis, finding the right angle and position is the key to pleasure-filled experiences.
The best sex positions are cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, lap dance (straddling the male partner in a chair), doggy style, and spooning. These positions enable better access to the vagina/anus; most of the positions let you bump and grind (dry humping), which can also be very pleasurable to you and your boo.
Get Sweet Orgasms With A Micropenis Using These Essentials
Frequently Asked Questions
You’ve learned the basic things to know about micropenises, but we also understand that you may have further questions on the topic. So we’ve collated an FAQ to answer more common questions about micropenises:
1How common is a micropenis?
This condition is rare, as only 0.6% of men worldwide have micropenises. They’re also usually diagnosed at birth or infancy.
2Can I use condoms on a micropenis?
Yes, it’s still important to use condoms during sex, even if you have a micropenis. There are various condoms now, equipped with specific shapes and sizes. It may take time to find the right brand and condom variation for you, but it’ll be worth it.
3Are there any benefits to a micropenis?
Yes, some women prefer below-average penises are they’re easier to perform oral sex with and are better for anal sex. Women suffering from vaginal issues, such as vaginismus, may prefer erections on the smaller side.
4As a woman, how do I react to a micropenis?
As mentioned earlier, just keep your reaction genuine yet gentle. You could still express that without offending your partner if you were surprised. Don’t also give out backhanded compliments or joke about your partner’s penis.
5Does size matter to get a woman to orgasm?
Nope, your penis size isn’t going to be the sole factor in making your partner cum. You also need to consider building the anticipation, setting the mood, spicing up the foreplay, and ensuring great aftercare. There are also tons of erogenous zones that don’t require deep penetration.
Now that you’ve learned the basics about micropenises, you can react better and be more respectful of them when you encounter one in the future. As for men with micropenis, we hope that this article has helped you to learn more about your body. And remember, always practice safe sex!
Visit the lauvette blog for more articles such as this one. You may also ask Dr. Sex if you have more specific queries. She’ll be glad to help you out!