Sexual turn-ons and interests vary from person to person. While low libido can be a concern for many people, others may wonder why their libido is always high. Being horny is an incredibly normal and personal feeling. What gets you going may totally differ from your best friend or sometimes even your partner. Everyone has sexual urges, some more than others.
What is Libido?
Libido refers to a person’s desire to engage in sexual activity. Low libido refers to a decreased desire relating to sex, while a high libido increases the desire to engage in sexual activity.
Potential Causes of Being Horny
Some causes for constant arousal are shared in both people with a penis and people with a vagina. A combination of factors could cause frequent arousal. If your high libido is interfering with your ability to focus in daily life, we have listed the potential reasons:
Hormones play a significant role in libido. In the first half of a female’s cycle, called the follicular phase, estrogen levels are higher than progesterone levels. Females tend to feel more arousal toward the end of this follicular phase when there is a luteinizing hormone surge (LH). This point in the cycle marks the start of ovulation and is the time when conception is more likely to occur.
As for males, spikes of testosterone may boost arousal. Likewise, people who engage in sexual behavior have higher testosterone. That creates a cyclical situation that could cause a boosted sex drive over time.
Hypersexuality is a debated topic among healthcare providers since everyone’s sex drive is unique. But suppose you feel uncomfortable with your sexual urges and find that they’re interfering with your daily life, like the ability to form relationships or be productive. In that case, it is worth exploring it.
3Alcohol and drugs
Does a sip of red wine make you tingle below the belt? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Though alcohol and other substances can interfere with sexual function, they may arouse you more, to begin with. The reason is they loosen up your inhibitions and leave you feeling quite more frisky than you would be if you’re sober.
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4Aphrodisiac foods
Certain foods can increase arousal and make you crave a little more time in the sheets. These types of foods are called “aphrodisiacs.” If you’re filling your diet with these foods (on purpose or not), you may be giving a bit more fuel to your engine.
As an example, both cheese and chocolate contain a substance called phenylethylamine (PEA). This substance is a natural amphetamine manufactured by the brain in response to the feeling of being loved, according to OB/GYN Anna Cabeca. “And PEA is believed to be responsible for that hormonal rush during sex,” she added.
Other foods that are known as aphrodisiacs are the following:
- Asparagus
- Artichokes
- Figs
- Oysters
- Spicy Chilli Peppers
- Strawberries
- Watermelon
- Celery
- Pumpkin
- Ginseng
- Garlic
5Situational factors
Sexual desire is a biophysical event. Meaning, there is a mix of factors needed to be in play for the desire to take place. A few common factors that could turn someone on at the moment are things such as getting in a new relationship and being in erotically charged situations.
Getting in a new relationship: The honeymoon phase often describes the beginning of a relationship when partners cannot keep their hands off one another. During this phase, couples’ brains tend to be awash in feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin, according to certified sex coach Gigi Engle.
Erotically charged scenarios: Any sexually charged situation such as sexting or dirty talk can trigger arousal and desire in the brain. “This factors in the psych-social aspects of desire,” Engle said.
6Consumption of sexualised content
If you have been watching plenty of r-rated shows and films, a considerable amount of it could lead to a boost in your libido.
While indulging in some porn can be a safe way for adults to explore new desires, too much indulgence can also have bad side effects. One study even showed a warning about a surge of young men suffering sexual health problems as a result of their exposure to online pornography.
Over-indulgence of sex-related media can be a factor in causing someone to crave sex more than usual.
What we watch can influence us in ways we don’t even notice. The key is to find balance with whatever you consume, may it be a pleasure, information, or media.
Causes Affecting The Female Reproductive System
People assigned female at birth (AFAB), and cisgender women may feel more aroused because of the following reasons:
1Full bladder
The urethra, vagina, and clitoris are tightly packed in your pelvis. Whenever the bladder is full, it may pressure those sensitive areas, which could cause arousal.
2Menstrual cycle
The days in a menstrual cycle are filled with changing hormones and events designed to activate your sex drive. For instance, some people report feeling more easily aroused during the middle of their cycle, or about 14 days before their period begins.
That is about the time of ovulation, and that is completely normal. Ovulation is when a woman would be most fertile and most likely to conceive. Your body turns up your sex drive to boost the chances of procreation. Moreover, both testosterone and estrogen peak during ovulation, and the influx of both hormones tends to heighten one’s sex drive.
Others report feeling more turned on just before their period. When you have your period, your pelvis is much more congested with fluid, which could trigger sexual arousal.
Likewise, some like to be sexual during their actual period. The blood gives off as a natural lubricant. The risk of getting pregnant may be lower, though not zero.
There are a couple of factors that could boost arousal during pregnancy. OB/GYN Wendie Trubow says, “There is a lot more blood flow going to a woman’s genital areas during pregnancy, which can increase her sex drive.”
In the first few weeks of pregnancy, hormone levels begin to change; a person may feel more horny than normal. However, hormonal changes can also lead to morning sickness, sore breasts, fatigue, and other symptoms that could decrease a person’s desire to engage in sexual acts.
During pregnancy, most people experience various changes, which at times include a shift in their sex drive. In the first two trimesters, it is absolutely normal to notice an increase or decrease in sex drive due to hormonal shifts.
Causes Affecting The Male Reproductive System
If people assigned male at birth (AMAB) and cisgender men find themselves constantly aroused, these causes might be the reason:
1Frequent Masturbation
It’s a common belief that men think about being sexual much more than women. Indeed, research says men do think about it a bit more, only barely, though.
Men masturbate more frequently, according to one study. As a result, leading to a more boosted sex drive.
2Constant Contact
With males, being that their genitalia is outside the body, frequent tugging, rubbing, and touching may be a subtle reminder of sexual activities. This could lead to constant arousal. Even a slight brush can easily flicker arousal for some males.
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3High Levels of Testosterone
Testosterone, as we have mentioned earlier, is most closely related to male sex drive. Produced mainly in a man’s testicles, testosterone has a major role in a man’s body functions, including sperm production, red blood cells, and bone mass and muscle development.
Testosterone levels tend to be higher in the morning and lower at night. A man’s testosterone levels are at their highest in his late teens, after which they slowly start to decline in time.
Steps You Can Take To Be Less Horny
If you want to be less horny or lower your libido, a few treatment options could help. Ultimately, you may need to talk with a professional to get a better understanding of possible underlying issues that play into your constant arousal.
1Seek creative outlets
If you want to use that energy for something unrelated to sex, consider finding volunteer opportunities or hobbies that can help you apply that passion elsewhere. Perhaps finding hobbies through arts and crafts and volunteering for a cause that you are passionate about could be a great productive outlet to place that energy on.
It’s a different type of physical engagement, but it’s certainly one that can help you alleviate some of that sexual tension. Exercise helps you release some of the same hormones and chemicals as sexual activity. Some good cardio workouts can help divert your energy into productive and healthy ends
3Take a short break
If you have worked or studied too long on a repetitive task than what you wanted, your thoughts may tend to wander. Interrupt unwanted thoughts by giving yourself a healthy break. Get a snack, or go for a walk. Taking care of your physical needs can have a positive impact on your mind.
4Have regular sex
Sex can be healthy for more than your current relationship. It can help regulate your hormones and relieve stress too. If you regularly have sex, you might not have an unquenchable craving for it anymore.
As long as masturbation doesn’t interfere with your work, personal relationships, or other commitments, it’s a fun way to get to know your body, preferences, and cravings. Another nice thing about masturbation is you don’t need a partner or any tools, but a vibrator might make the job easier and more fun!
Ways To Accept Sexual Feelings
There are certainly times when sexual thoughts can be distracting. But it’s important to accept them for what they truly are: a normal part of the human experience.
1Talk about your feelings.
It can be quite hard and awkward to talk about sex, especially if you’re still adjusting to your sexuality. It’s not uncommon to avoid conversations about horniness, sexuality, and related topics, even with a sexual partner. You should never feel forced to have a discussion or conversation about sex. You are talking to people you trust can be eye-opening as you might find that they worry about the same things or have similar feelings.
2Increase your exposure.
Reading books, watching TV shows, or reading articles about the science behind sexual desires can help you feel a bit more comfortable, especially knowing that there are those with similar sexual desires to yours. It’s not always easy to find these types of content, but positive portrayals of sexually empowered women and queer people are increasing. Keep exploring and you’ll most likely learn more things about yourself in time.
3Use movies to start conversations and explore.
In line with the previous point, consider tapping into erotic stimulation from entertainment. Watching movies is great to facilitate conversations with your partner. It is also perfectly fine to not go forward with anything you’re uncomfortable with. Be mindful of what your partner likes and dislikes as well. The key is communication and maintaining respectful intimacy with your partner.
When Is The Sexual Urge Too Much?
Sometimes, being too horny or having unwanted sexual desires can signify something worth exploring with a therapist specializing in human sexuality.
1You can’t control your thoughts.
Do you ever carry specific rituals or actions to get rid of sexual thoughts or to avoid being horny at all? This can be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Intrusive thoughts like these are those that seem to become stuck in your mind. They can cause distress since the nature of thought may be upsetting. These thoughts may also reoccur frequently, which can worsen the concern.
If you have OCD symptoms, it’s important to talk to a therapist to help you explore treatments.
In some cases, like difficulty managing libido, spending more time masturbating, and uncontrollable horny tendencies than you, you can hold compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexuality symptoms. If you notice these signs, talking to a compassionate doctor or therapist is a good way to start.
2You feel guilt or shame.
It’s completely normal for people who grew up in sexually restrictive cultures or religions to need some extra assistance accepting their feelings.
A therapist can help you with:
- learning more about healthy sexuality
- exploring more ways to get in touch with your sexuality, working through any suppressed thoughts, desires affecting your relationships
3You neglect everyday responsibilities.
To reiterate, being horny is a completely normal sensation. But if your sex drive is interfering with your daily tasks, it may be time to consult a professional. As a general guideline, ask yourself if feeling horny or being aroused interferes with your life. The signs that this is a problem you need to address include the following:
- Not being able to care for loved ones or pets
- Avoiding household responsibilities
- Missing school or work
- Frequently skipping out on social interactions
- Increased consumption of sex-related media
Frequently Asked Questions
With all the information you have learned, we hope you fully understand that there are multiple facets to human sexuality and desires. If you still have further questions, we have listed an FAQ below:
1What can I do if I’m always horny and my partner isn’t?
One of the biggest sources of strife for those who have increased sex drive is navigating their desires with their partner. Talk openly with your partner to find a level of sexual engagement where your needs are met. In this process, communicate in a way that your partner is also not feeling pressured to have more sex than they want to. The key here is that partners involved expect that they are okay with it.
Masturbation is good for managing a high sex drive. For instance, asking your partner to watch you masturbate can be a great way to sexually engage, considering that your partner is also okay with this route. The key is finding a solution that lets both partners feel respected.
2Is there such a thing as being too horny?
It is not necessarily a bad thing to be horny frequently. But if your constant arousal is getting in the way of other aspects of your daily life, you may want to consider meeting with a doctor or sex therapist. These professionals can help you explore the function of your sexual behavior.
It would greatly help to talk with a professional about these desires and thoughts. In finding professional help, you can get clarity on whether they’re typical or if you need to seek treatment.
3What if I’m always horny?
“The key difference between ‘normal’ or healthy sexuality and concerning sexuality is the presence of distress about your sexuality. a sense the behavior is out of control and the real-world consequences to your sexual behavior,” according to clinical sexologist Sarah Melancon.
If you believe you have too many sexual urges beyond your personal comfort level, we highly suggest talking to a doctor to help you explore and see clarity on these sensations.
4How do I set these horny thoughts aside?
When your horny thoughts come up, take the time to briefly and mentally set them aside. This does not mean you suppress or reject them, leading to feeling shame and guilt later on.
In this step, you are accepting the thought of exploring these thoughts later, you are validating these thoughts as well as your needs. This can help it fade into the background and let you return to your present task.
5Are men hornier than women?
It is a stereotype is that men have higher sex drives than women.
Some research does support this statement, but you have to note that some men may think about sex more often, though this generalization doesn’t hold for all. And very little research has explored a high sexual interest in women, and a lack of evidence is not the same as conclusive proof.
Your libido can change every day, consequently, it can most certainly change in your lifetime. If you feel as if you’re constantly horny, that may not be a bad thing either. As we have mentioned, being horny is an entirely normal feeling.
A healthy sex drive can be a positive quality. If your desire for sexual engagement gets in the way of your daily responsibilities, we emphasise the importance of seeing a comforting sex therapist or a doctor; these licensed professionals might be able to guide you in finding ways to harness it.
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