


Menstruation, also known as a period, is a vaginal bleeding interval that lasts for about a week once a month. The body prepares for pregnancy on a monthly basis, and if no pregnancy occurs, the uterine lining is shed. Menstrual blood is a combination of uterine tissue and blood.

  • Why do women menstruate?
    Menstruating is the body’s way of getting rid of tissue that it no longer needs – which in this case, is the uterine lining that was preparing for pregnancy.
  • What products can I use during my menstrual period?
    Pads and tampons have been the go-to for many individuals who experience menstrual cycles. Lately, the movement toward menstrual cups, discs and reusable pads has become more popular because of its eco-friendliness.
  • Why is hygiene important during my period?
    Menstrual blood outside of the body can attract a variety of organisms which can multiply because of our body’s warmth and cause rashes, infections, and irritations. Making sure that you stay clean by regularly changing your menstrual products and cleaning the area whenever possible can help prevent these issues.

History of Menstrual Hygiene

The menstrual cycle has always been misunderstood. It was once believed that menstrual blood could turn dogs mad, wither agriculture, and if exposed to lightning, prevent hail storms and whirlwinds. It was also believed that the consumption of menstrual blood would guarantee a person’s fidelity. Since then, the world has definitely become more knowledgeable about periods and the women’s reproductive system,

In the 1870s, menstrual products were items that were sold door-to-door and only became commercially available in the 1890s. Menstrual pads and menstrual tools, like “Ladies Elastic Doily Belt” (silk and elastic belt to which you’d attach a pad) and “Antiseptic and Absorbent Pad” were making appearances in catalog ads. Nowadays, there is a wide selection of products to help your menstruation just a little bit better.

Different Types of Menstrual Products

Women have begun taking charge of the menstrual product market, creating products they want and need. A lot of products are taking into consideration the environment, as well. While some people still prefer single-use sanitary napkins and tampons, things like washable napkins, eco-friendly pads, and pantyliners, period underwear is making its way into the market. Not to mention new ways to collect menstrual blood, like menstrual cups and discs that are nothing like we’ve seen before, and keep the blood ‘fresh’ to help prevent its oxidation.

There are so many options for you to choose from now, and someone will have taken your menstrual concerns into consideration whether it be your physical activity, skin sensitivity, flow level, or even sustainability preference.

Maintaining Your Reusable Menstrual Products

A lot of individuals will prefer single-use menstrual products because they think that reusable menstrual products will be a chore to maintain. In reality, it’s really not that much of an effort.

Reusable pads and underwear just need to be washed with your laundry. You can soak them in water between wash cycles to clear the blood. Menstrual cups and discs can be washed with gentle soap and warm water during your cycle, and sterilized between cycles which requires dipping it in boiling water without allowing it to touch the bottom of the hot pan.

The minimal upkeep of reusable menstrual products are worth the transition if maintenance is your only concern.

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