Attraction is a key ingredient to finding a genuine connection with a potential partner. But what exactly are the signs to know if someone is attracted to you? The only certain way to tell if someone likes you is to tell you directly. One should not make assumptions. However, there are many signals and clues that may signal how someone feels about you. This article will tackle the 30 signs of attraction, ranging from physical, behavioral, and deep emotional attraction. Let’s start!
What is Attraction?
Attraction is when interest is evoked by something or someone. Oftentimes, when you’re attracted to someone, you take pleasure in being in their company. Attraction can be caused by being charmed by their appearance, talents, personality, sense of humor, or even a mix of all those things. Don’t think though, that attraction means that you’ll love, or even like, everything that person does right from the start. There are instances when you’ll find someone physically attractive, but not be too excited about their personality.
30 Signs of Attraction
Attraction can manifest physically, emotionally, or in behavior, but there are also times when you can tell. Here are 30 signs of attraction to look for:
Physical Signs of Attraction
Physical signs of attraction can be observed and expressed by touch. Do they break barriers to get close to you? Smiling and head tilting are also identified as symptoms of body language or physical attraction. Learn the signs of physical attraction here:
1They try to get close to you.
One of the signs of attraction is getting close, which means your crush may move whatever is blocking the way between you – literally. If you have a coffee date, they may move a seat closer or remove pillows out of the way so that they have a clear view of you.
2They tend to mirror you.
Mirroring behavior is when a person starts to copy the way you move your body. They may match your energy levels, your stance, or they make the same facial expressions as you when you’re speaking or mirror the way you are sitting down. This is common body language when someone is attracted to you.
3They fuss with their appearance.
A sure-fire way to know if someone likes you is if they seem particularly concerned with their appearance when you’re together. If they are fussing with their clothes, running their fingers through their hair, or secretly checking their teeth in the cutlery, know they may be trying to look attractive for you.
4They smile a lot when staring at you.
Smiling is a common way that men and women show their availability when participating in the dating scene. Smiling is a way to show interest to another person and a surefire way to appear attractive. Some smiles can be quite forced to establish a good impression. However, if the smile is genuine, it will be apparent, as the smile will also reach their eyes. As solid relationship advice, a person is genuinely smiling at you and cannot seem to do anything but smile. They are probably physically attracted to you.
5They tilt their head to show engagement.
Head tilting is a sign of body language attraction that shows interest. When someone tilts their head during a conversation, they focus and care about what is being said. If someone is attracted to you, they will tilt their head to show their engagement. Women are more prone to head tilting than men, but both use this form of body language.
6They lean in when you talk.
When people are engaged in interacting with others, they lean in toward that person. If you are in a group of people and someone leans in toward you specifically, it shows that they are attracted to you and pay more attention to you than the rest of the people there. The closer they lean in toward you, the more attracted they are.
7They lick their lips.
Women often lick their lips when they are attracted to someone. They may do this intentionally to show interest, but more often, it is a reflexive motion that they may not even be aware that they are doing. It could be that her lips will automatically part, and she will sweep her tongue over her lips. Combined with continuous eye contact, lip licking is a sure sign that a woman is extremely attracted to you.
8They blush when you’re around.
When someone is attracted to you, they will become flushed or begin blushing when you’re around them. As the attraction grows, blood rushes to the face, making one blush. This is not something that either sex can control. Blushing is a natural form of body language that the body does on its own when someone is physically attracted to another. The lips may also become redder, and the eyes whiter and brighter.
9They keep eye contact with you.
Eye contact means that the person is paying attention to only you, and you can be certain that you have their full interest. Prolonged eye contact is a big sign that they are attracted to you and interested in what you have to offer them. On the other hand, if you are in a conversation with someone and their eyes shift focus frequently, they may not be fully engaged in the interaction.
10Their feet point to you.
People automatically point their feet in the direction of their interests. While someone’s feet pointing toward you isn’t a sure sign of attraction, it does mean that they are at least interested in the interaction with you. If their feet are pointed toward the exit, they probably think about getting out of the situation.
Behavioral Signs of Strong Attraction
The behavioral attraction lies somewhere between the physical and psychological realms, such as flirtation and the way one touches you. What exactly are the ways to see those signs? Find out through this list:
1They are very flirtatious with you.
One of the key signs of attraction is flirting either through words or body language. Teasing suggestively, brushing a hand against yours, or laughing at your jokes are all common examples of flirting.
2They make an effort to be with you.
One tip for knowing if someone likes you is to ask them if they want to hang out when you know they already have plans. If they drop their plans or invite you along, take it as a sign that they’re into you.
3They inititate frequent communication.
“If they wanted to, they would.” is how the saying goes, and in terms of communicating, that is definitely true. Making the effort to strike up conversations or to extend them is a clear sign of interest. It could be on the phone, or through text. People naturally want to spend time and foster connections with people they like. They try to get to know you better, and they want you to learn more about them in hopes that the attraction will be mutual.
4They playfully tease with you.
In playfully teasing someone, you’re showing that you’re close to that person. You can’t tease just anyone. They have to be people that emotionally connect with you. Teasing is one of the signs when two people tease one another as adults; that’s a sign of unspoken attraction between two people. It should not be confused with emotional abuse or bullying, though. If the “teasing” feels more like ridicule or is not consensual, it is unacceptable. Never allow yourself to be disrespected.
5They can share anything with you.
One tip for knowing if someone likes you is if they feel comfortable sharing private things with you. They may be open to sharing their fears, their dreams, or perhaps they’re open to sharing their intrusive thoughts too.
6They are attentive to what you need.
Since they observe you well enough, they know the things that you need. Do they know when your lunch break is? Or do they remember what you were wearing last time you hung out? These are all signs of attraction, and it means they care deeply for you.
7They seem nervous when you’re around.
Notice their body language to see if they’re attracted to you. You’ll learn how to know if someone likes you if they seem adorably shy or nervous whenever you’re talking to them. They may exhibit giggling awkwardly, flubbing with their words, or acting shy when you know they’re naturally outgoing.
8They want to introduce you to their loved ones.
The answer to how to know if someone likes you lies with their family and friends. Have they invited you to spend time with the people they love the most? If they have, it’s a sign that they want you to be part of their special inner circle and want to be with you long-term.
9They ask tons of questions about you.
One tip for telling if someone is into you is if they get personal with their conversation. Their curiosity speaks of their interest in you. This also means they’re attracted to you and want to know you on a deeper level.
10They take the lead in making plans.
They’re interested in you if they take the initiative and reach out to make plans. Taking that initiative shows they’re confident and they want to be with you.
Signs of Deep Mutual Attraction
Deep mutual connection is the one glue that holds your relationship together. It’s the special ingredient that keeps your bond strong. It’s trust, understanding, respect, and a core component of all types of love. A mutual connection is also sharing personal feelings and lighting up when the person enters a room. But not every couple has it. How do you know if you have it? Here are the signs:
1You develop inside jokes and shared experiences.
Emotional connection is all about having a shared world experience: going on trips, working on special projects, or finding common ground you can refer back to for years. There’s an ease that stems from these experiences, and they make for the strongest foundation. The more history and experiences you have, the more likely you will have a deep emotional connection.
2You gush over each other’s qualities.
You may be attracted to their sense of humor or personality and can’t stop telling others about it. When you’re emotionally attracted to someone, you can’t help but absorb these tiny quirks or qualities and want to share them with others. In a mutual connection, you’re both a huge fan of each other and you show it through sweet compliments.
3You think about each other frequently.
You’ll always be on their mind, and they’re the same about you. They might tell you about it directly or know from elsewhere like their friends. You’ll know this if their friends say this person is always talking about you or by subtle hints such as receiving gifts from them “just because.”
4You feel the most “yourself” around them.
No matter how long your relationship evolves, the foundation of the relationship also relies on being free and comfortable with each other. You humanly respect each other, and you value each other’s thoughts. You appreciate their input, and you enjoy their company.
5You have deep conversations or simply sit in silence.
Sometimes, comfortable silence can signify an even greater connection than constant meaningless conversation. While it’s important to be able to talk to your partner about things in your life, sometimes basking in each other’s company is enough. Finding peace and solace just by sitting in silence with your partner can signify a strong emotional connection.
6You trust them with your secrets.
Being able to share things with your partner displays good communication skills. It also exemplifies the level of trust you have in your partner. If you feel the need to withhold information or significant life events from your partner, you must ask yourself why you feel this way. Will they not be capable of emotionally handling the situation? Are they not able to keep your secrets? Perhaps you know that you are betraying your partner and that’s why you’re withholding information? Or maybe, you fear that they will not react the way you want them to. The need and want to share significant life events and stories with the people you care about is normal and encouraged. So if something is deterring that, you may want to examine the reasons.
7You turn to each other for advice.
Since you value each other’s input, you turn to each other for advice. Turning to someone for their advice conveys a strong sense of solidarity and trust towards the other person. It tells them that you feel safe and accepted by them, and they will support you no matter what.
8You can tell how they’ll react or behave.
People live in patterns. How your partner will react to things become as familiar to you as knowing how you’ll react in certain situations. You can predict their emotions and behaviors. You become attuned to each other because of this, and this allows you to understand your partner even better. You see them unfiltered – the good, the bad, and the ugly. And you love and care for them anyway.
9They know how to make you laugh.
Another great sign of attraction is humor. This person goes out of their way to make you laugh. Besides, laughter makes you both happy, and beyond that, studies also show people feel more satisfied and emotionally supported when they share a laugh with someone they deeply care about.
10Your values are in sync.
When you share similar views on work, family, and fundamental beliefs, your bond deepens and can develop into a long-term relationship. This person welcomes you into their personal life, and you feel emotionally compatible in this partnership.
There’s no foolproof way to figure out if someone likes you without directly asking, but there are certain specific signs as we described here that can help you gauge whether there’s underlying interest.
With all these signs of attraction, you can easily notice if someone is interested in you or not. Or you’ll know when they clearly state their intentions. It depends on how astute you are, how prominent the other person is with their signs of attraction, and which facets they are attracted to you. So, when you’re in doubt, if you’re unsure if someone likes you, ask.